We create the conditions

Stiftelse Arena

Stiftelse Arena runs Sparbanken Skåne Arena with the aim of developing children’s and youth sports especially through handball but also through other sports and other public events.

About Stiftelse Arena

Stiftelse Arena has the purpose of running a sports and event facility within the sports area in Lund, with the aim of:

– To create conditions for elite sports in Lund Municipality – primarily in handball as well as

– To promote sports activities for children & young people

– To create conditions for events, exhibitions and other public arrangements

The arena is financed through events, sponsorship packages and collaborations, e.g. by the arena name. When events are booked, sports and school activities are booked out. As Stiftelse Arena is not a fund-raising foundation, all income goes directly to children’s and youth sports.

Together we unite Lund

A sustainable Arena is a challenge close to our hearts. That Sparbanken Skåne Arena becomes a place that grows sustainably at all levels.

Stiftelse Arena is not a municipal operation that receives hall subsidies, but since 2008, we have generated our own income which has contributed to reducing costs for Lund municipality. Through events and matches, Stiftelse Arena creates tourism revenue that benefits the whole of Lund. To increase understanding and create added value for Lund, the Foundation works with companies and associations through sponsorship agreements, collaborations and networking that provide synergy.

Together, we unite Lund through commitment so that we can create the best conditions. A Lund as a proud event and sports city that unites with magical experiences through the city. An exciting development awaits with both large and small projects, always with sustainable development in focus.

Our goal

Sparbanken Skåne Arena and through Stiftelse Arena we now create and work according to a common thread where we start from handball and sports for children & youth, and then we use the Arena to offer and create meaningful and recurring events where we together make a positive difference.

From small to the elite

Sparbanken Skåne Arena will in future actively collaborate more with companies and associations to create new opportunities together under the right conditions. Together with companies in the region, we create networks and commitment through collaboration & sponsorship agreements. Here we drive joint development where we together create a healthier and happier Lund and society.

Here, job opportunities and community are created for young people. Lund will become a role model where we represent a fun and united place to work and hang out in, and offer winning opportunities from the small to the elite.

Sparbanken Skåne Arena

A city for everyone

It is with mutual understanding that we together create a sustainable and inspiring arena in Lund as an inspiring part of the Öresund region.

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