On September 29 at 10.00 – 13.00 we open the doors to Sparbanken Skåne Arena Loppis.
We offer 105 sales places, book your place already today at: Hanna@sparbankenskanearena.se
Opening hours for visitors: 10:00-13:00
Opening hours for exhibitors: 08.00 – 09.30
Entrance: SEK 20 entrance fee. Children under 7 enter free. Payment by SWISH or card.
The kiosk in the foyer will remain open.
- Table: SEK 290
- Clothes rail with 20 hangers: SEK 130
- Chair: SEK 30
As Sparbanken Skåne Arena is a foundation, all income goes back to children’s and youth sports (mainly handball).
Warm welcome! 🙌